Vanbrugh Castle School

Sports Teams

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Sports Teams in the 60's & 70's

Football Team 1966

Mr de Weymarn with the team.

Cross Country Team 1966

Back row L to R : Mr Kettleborough (teacher), Maynard, Peter Borthwick, ??, ??, Smith, Chris Sanderson.

Front row : Terry McConnell, Paul McCann, Kevin Mulligan, M.V.Morton (described as the best teacher ever), John Elliott, Michael McConnell, Kendall.

The Cricket Team 1970.

Back row L to R : Mark Elliott, John Cook, Pete Borthwick, David Pafford (Teacher), Ian Jackson, S.Kimber, Greg Sanders

Front row : J.Quail, ?? , Chris Sanderson, Javaid Rashid, ??.

The Football Team 1971.

No boots were available so the boys were told to tuck their feet under the bench.

Back row L to R: Mr Bouteloupe, Colin Cummings, ? , ?, Fisher, ?, Taffy Webb.

Front row : Nethercott , Kevin Webb, Firmin, Nick Buxcey,Simon Harris, Mike Davidson.

The Junior Cricket Team 1973

Back row L to R : Mr Morrison, Danny Downes, Augustus Funnell, Simon Quail, Mark Hammond, Mark Hamilton, Andrew Bird.

Front Row: Samuel Thorn, Paul Brady, Carlton Evans, Mark Head, Mark Petty - Fitzmaurice, Chas Brooks.

This photo was taken on the circular lawn in front of the Castle's main door. This part of the Castle featured in the film 'Mona Lisa'.

The Cricket Team 1973.

Back row L to R : Mr Dyer, Mark Fearon, Richard Baker, Stephen Price, Colin Cummings. Steve Orme, Walker.

Front row : Simon Quail, Mark Olner, Simon Harris, Anthony Webb, Brian Kelly, Robin Lee.

The Cricket Team 1974.

Back row L to R : Mr Dyer, Mark Fearon, * , * , Simon Quail , * , *

Front row : * , * , Mark Olner, Anthony Webb, Brian Kelly, Robin Lee